Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Blog surfing

Have been blog surfing lately... seeing what was out there. I am always interested in what other people have to say...

It got me wondering, what makes a blog interesting? What makes us look, stop and read a blog?

Is it the title? the post? or the pictures?

I sometimes see the heading, read the last post and if I find that interesting, read some more...

I have wondered..... is my blog (at first glance) interesting enough to stop and read? or maybe the first part.. with the picture, the quote and the comic a bit much and uninteresting.....hmmmm...

OK, so I said I write for myself... but I would love to have more people read what I write... thank goodness someone finally commented for once! (well... that was because I commented on his blog first), but still... a comment is a comment and it very much appreciated.

Easter is coming up and it will be awhile in between posts. Long holiday and a busy first monday for me next week. Will be racking up reading some of my TO-READ books and my take home work load... *sign*...

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