Thursday, May 6, 2010

Twitter Goals

Or to say it differently, short term goals.

I have been telling myself that I need to get my butt going to the GYM.. yet, I am still here or rather, still stuck to my pillows and my bed.

May 6th and it's less than a month before school starts again. Outside, it is hot and humid with temperature ranging from 36C (a cool day-- snicker....) to 42C (the "let's fry an egg on the sidewalk" kind of day)

I have been getting some goals done-
1. doing YOGA
2. went to a few badminton games (hopefully I can play more)

I don't know if it's the weather.. but you kind of feel REALLY sticky when you go out at any time of day. I have been showering AT LEAST twice a day to keep myself cool. I think I can imagine the desert... the feeling of the heat slowly rising from the ground, baking you slowly like some kind of pie. The heat sucks the life force out of you. (I am actually dreaming of a nice cold dip in the river right now)

My mini goals for the rest of this month:
--- write a children's story to submit to a contest (25,000 prize money)-- if I win, will donate the cash to charity
--- finish writing my travel article to submit to an online travel mag
--- finalize the items for the house... (aargh!! decisions, decisions!)

Sometimes, I find it hard to concentrate when all the things I have to get done attack me all at once....LOL
Aside from the things I want to do, I still have the kids, my business, and the house.

Hope I can get everything done.

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