Saturday, July 17, 2010

Getting Things Done

I finally have some help in the office. My work load has been cut in half (thankfully)

The last few months, it seemed like I didn't get anything done. I was always backlogged for some reason or another. I finally figured I needed more help and hired my sister in law to become my accounting officer. This leaves me with the selling/marketing and talking with customers and not constantly pouring over the accounts I have to collect, review and update.(a nightmare.. but getting checks is wonderful.. hahaha)

Does this mean my business has grown so much it takes more than me to handle it all? MAYBE.

My sister in law is a VERY big help. (love her!!) She makes my life less stressful and I finally can start some writing.

I just have to finish all the quotations/follow ups for the house, go on another buying trip next week and THEN, get some writing done.

I just figured I needed to prioritize and schedule my time. Aside from the tropical thunderstorm that passed through the country (power was out for over a day), the flu going around the house (everyone getting sick).. I could say, this week has been good.

Don't know when I will be writing a blog post again. (My life is pretty redundant and boring at the moment) but I do enjoy reading the blogs that I have been following. Especially the ones with pictures. (moments of perfect clarity)

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