Thursday, December 30, 2010

Bring on the PIGS


Christmas season is killer for my waist line for sure. For those not from this country, I have to explain that for most homes, any celebration is not complete without the roast pig. It is the counterpart of Turkey. We call that lechon.

The roast pig is stuffed with herbs and roasted over  coals in a pit

After a few hours, what comes out is skin that is soo crunchy and meat that is succulent. this is served with a rich brown liver sauce/gravy.

This is killer for cholesterol levels
We had our lechon chopped before hand.. chopping at home takes a lot of time and effort you know-

So, if you can imagine, we ate a pig a day..... each christmas party had 1 whole pig. (we did not finish the whole pig). The left overs like the head, other meat and the legs get stewed with the gravy. What comes out is a dish you can have for days after. It's lechon paksiw

I am ready for my salad eating days now. Let me not see another lechon till the next Christmas season. I am also sleepy from all the eating that has been going on, and to think there is still NEW YEARS.

Happy New Year everyone!

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